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Did you get an interview for a job or school, and you’re stressing out? Then it’s good that you’re here. Interviews are tough and scary, and I totally understand. I had an interview recently, and I had butterflies in my stomach that were heavier than the earth. But when I started talking, I saw that no one was disapproving, which gave me confidence. Today I’m going to tell you how to face an interview with ease.

1. Getting prepared

Getting prepared is a major part of the interview. If you don’t prepare, you could lose it all. To prepare, you should decide what you’re going to wear. You can’t wear anything too fancy, and you can’t wear rags. Something normal and formal will do. Also, you should figure out where you’re going to sit, if it’s a Zoom interview, because of COVID. Finally, the most important part - practice. You need to practice daily and learn what you’re going to say. Remember, there are chances they could ask you completely different questions, but I’m sure, once you’ve readied your tongue, you should be fine. One thing you should practice is your tone. It shouldn’t sound soft and scared. It would be best if you spoke with a bold, confident voice. Also, remember to check on your body language. Sometimes, you don’t mean it but, you could come across as mean or uninterested if you don't mind your body language. Check on that and one last thing. Understand what you need to say, but don’t by-heart it. When you talk, speak normally and naturally. Then, it will all come to you.

2. Calming down

The night before an interview, you start freaking out. What if I muddle up? Or forget my words? Or even need to go to the bathroom? When you think these thoughts, stop, take 3 deep breaths, and sit down. If you have something that takes your mind off everything else, use that. If you haven't got a thing that calms you down, try these. Reading, listening to music, doodling, talking, sleeping, watching TV and guided meditation are all things that can calm you down. No one’s going to hurt you. No one will get mad at you. You need to try your best and let fate decide the rest. When you’re settling down, try to think over what you’re going to say. If it brings back stress, leave it. Tell yourself, “ I’ll try my hardest and do my best. Then, get in or not, I’m amazing.” If you don’t get in, don’t worry. Understand what you did wrong and try again next time. The only thing you shouldn’t do if you fail is giving up. You have to keep trying until you get it right.

3. “ It’s the time!”

The day has come! The time is here! It's interview day! You might be wondering why I’m telling you about your interview. Well, this is if you’re still nervous. There are 2 questions to ask yourself.

The first one, “ Am I going to give this my all?”.

If your answer is confident and quick, “ Yes!” you should do fine.

When the interview is over, ask yourself,

“ Did I try my best?”.

If your answer is confident and quick, “ Yes!” be confident, you will be successful one way or other


When you’re doing the interview, make sure you don’t look scared or rude. Stand up tall and look smart.

I know it’s scary, but you have to face it. There’s nothing they can do to bring you down. When you start talking to the interviewer, you’ll feel safe and confident, like I felt. Remember, you can do this!

Now good luck with your interview and bye for now!

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